
About Us

Hannah DeGallery

Owner, Glohaven Luxury Spray Tans

People ask me what my favorite part of my job is. To be honest, it is seeing my clients recognize how beautiful they are. Each one of us is precious. There are so many negative messages in this world that are telling us we are not good enough, that we are not gorgeous. Spray tans may not seem like an important step in life, but if I can enhance the natural beauty of one person so that they can walk out of the room with more confidence, feeling healthy and beautiful as they see the glow to their skin, my job is accomplished.

Every body and everybody is beautiful. When you come to my spray tan salon, I want you to feel comfortable, knowing there is acceptance, encouragement, and fun ahead for you. You should always walk out of my door with a stronger understanding of the true beauty you have. I don’t make my clients beautiful. I just highlight what’s already there.

I am passionate about helping my clients to have, not only a beautiful tan, but healthy skin. Bringing awareness and opportunity for women and men to have a safe, healthy alternative to tanning beds is a personal mission. I have always loved having that ‘sun-kissed’ glow and unfortunately, I started using tanning beds very young, causing permanent damage to my own skin. When I started looking into alternatives, I discovered that spray tans not only did not damage my skin, but could nourish it. Over the years, I have continued to study and learn more so that I can continue to offer safe, healthy tanning options to my clients. Everyone should feel beautiful in their skin, but no one should have to put their health at risk to do so.


Feel beautiful and luxurious with a gorgeous spray tan!
